My Gut Healing Journey: Meeting With a Functional Nutrionist

December 3, 2022

Instead of taking prescribed medications, I’m attempting to approach my gut healing journey more holistically. Having said that, I’ve recently met a nutritionist who will begin assisting me. She is sending me different tests to take at home which include a stool test, a hair sample, and mineral test, and a chart I must fill out with specific symptoms I encounter. The stool test simply is a gut microbiome test that identifies the microbes like bacteria and fungus that are present in my gut. My nutritionist can then recommend supplements and changes to my diet based on this knowledge. The hair tissue mineral analysis testing will ensure that I have sufficient amounts of the essential nutrient minerals, and that their ratios are ideal to one another. It will also check to make sure there are no toxic metals in my body. When my GI chart, stool test results, hair test results, and mineral test results are returned from the lab, the chart of my symptoms will then be able to be used as an explanation for those symptoms. Since the gut and the brain are intimately intertwined, my nutritionist informed me that underlying gut problems might be having an impact on my mental health(which I will go into greater detail in future posts). I sincerely hope that these findings will help me solve my digestive problems along with my mental well being.

Until next time…

Sincerely, Sophie

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